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FMA Washington Report: January 12, 2024
FY2024 NDAA Signed Into Law

In mid-December 2023, Congress approved the Fiscal Year 2024 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). The Senate approved the final conference report on December 13, 2023, by a vote of 87-13, and the House passed it the following day by a vote of 310-118. FMA strongly supported the final version of the bill, and National President Craig Carter issued a statement after President Biden signed it into law.

“FMA is pleased Congress came together in a bipartisan manner to adopt the must-pass NDAA for the 63rd consecutive year,” Carter wrote. “Conflicts and instability around the world pose a grave threat to our national security, and it was imperative that Congress provide our uniformed military and Department of Defense civilian employees with the resources they desperately need.”

Carter described the NDAA as a “must-pass” bill and celebrated the work on both sides of the aisle to accomplish its passage. He referred to several provisions included in the conference report that FMA supported, including: the 5.2 percent pay raise for the uniformed military and the DOD; an extension for the authority to grant allowances, benefits, and gratuities to civilian employees on official duty in a combat zone; and, expanded direct hire authorities.

“Congress has shown it can work together and find compromise for the good of all Americans,” Carter concluded. “We regret that it often comes to the brink of disaster before cooperation and compromise prevail. FMA looks forward to the Fiscal Year 2025 NDAA being addressed in a responsible, bipartisan manner right from the start.”

To view the final conference report, click here. To view the joint explanatory statement, click here.


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