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FMA Washington Report: September 15, 2023
Share Your Stories to Support FEEA

FMA is a long-time supporter and board member of the Federal Employee Education and Assistance Fund (FEEA). We support their mission of “Feds Helping Feds,” and conduct FMA’s Scholarship Program through FEEA, which allows for many more award opportunities for FMA members and their families. At this time, we are asking FMA members to support FEEA by participating in their Stories in Motion effort.

We are excited to share an opportunity for recognition within the federal community from our friends at FEEA. They are unveiling a new chapter in their Feds in Motion Challenge – Stories in Motion.

FEEA is looking for real stories from feds like you. Have you faced a professional hurdle and emerged stronger? Led an innovative project that you're proud of? Or found a unique way to keep moving forward in your job? We want to hear your story, and more importantly, we want to share it.

CRITERIA: • You're a current federal employee. • You have an inspiring "in motion" story – be it about career progression, tackling obstacles, leading innovative initiatives, or simply propelling change in your workplace.

Your story has the power to ignite hope and inspire others navigating their personal and professional landscapes.

We understand that sharing such experiences requires courage. If you, or someone you know, have a story that could inspire others, please reach out to us. By stepping forward, you are not only recognizing your personal journey, but also emphasizing the positive impact that federal employees make on our community and nation every day.

Thank you for your service, dedication, and for considering sharing your journey with us. Should you have any questions or need support, we're here for you. Let's continue moving forward, together.

Have a story you would like to share? Let us know at communications@feea.org. Thank you!


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